Pre-Kindergarten Program

(4-5 years old)


Language and literacy

· Alphabet knowledge (upper- and lower-case letters)
· Phonics sounds
· Develop early writing skills
· Develop joy of storytelling and early reading skills
· Children develop appropriate English conversational skills
· Public speaking


· Identifying numbers
· Using addition and subtraction
· Recognize and describe basic two-and-three-dimensional shapes
· Can compare and order small sets of objects
· Can copy simple and repeating patterns
· explores and has awareness of natural forces that affect objects and materials, e.g. wind and gravity


· Identify and regulate emotions and behaviors
· Develop positive sense of self and others
· Form positive relationships with peers and adults
· Participate in group activities and work cooperatively with others
· Promote independence and leadership skills
· Promote healthy living skills and habits

Physical development

· Demonstrate gross and fine motor strength and coordination
· Demonstrate competency in self-help skills
· Demonstrate different ways of moving, e.g. backward, sideways, marching
· Engage in fine motor activities for a longer period

How Tiny Tots Curriculum supports learning

Language and literacy

· Teacher-led reading activities
· Child-led dictation of stories
· Storytelling
· Journaling
· Music and Theatre
· Imaginative play
· Teachers model complex expressive and descriptive language
· Chinese language classes


· Teacher-led number and problem-solving games
· Baking
· Arts and crafts activities creating and following patterns
· Activities to measure and compare objects
· Music and movement activities that include counting
· Construction and building activities


· Teacher group time and individual reading time
· Music and songs
· Creative Arts and Crafts
· Dance
· Classroom helpers
· Opportunities for small group work
· World Exploration
· Baking
· Journaling
· Show and Tell

Physical development

· Outdoor Free Play
· Teacher led motor development games
· Dance
· Music and Theatre
· Child-led gross motor games
· Arts and Crafts